Archive for April, 2011

SEPAL Thesis Defense: Experiences of Graduate Women of Color in Biology

Students are invited to hear Carol Umanzor’s  Master’s Thesis Defense!

Overview: Carol, a graduate student in Kimberly Tanner’s lab, will be presenting her work titled “The Experiences of Graduate Women of Color in Biology” on Wednesday, May 4th at 5:00pm in Hensill Hall 245. Please join us in celebrating her wonderful accomplishments and hard work!

Math and Science Undergraduates Needed for Summer Mathematics Teaching

The Pre-Collegiate Academy (PCA) teacher enhancement project impacts three central goals:

1) Improve student achievement among a targeted group of students in East Oakland middle schools and high schools; 2) strengthen mathematics teaching methods and content among current and prospective teachers, and 3) increase the number of college/university mathematics and science majors and minors who choose teaching as a career.

Job Description:
We are seeking current upper division college/university mathematics/science majors and minors to participate in one-week summer institute and a special 4-week (5 weeks full time) mathematics summer enrichment for secondary students to be held at Merritt College.  The job includes:

  • Participating in a one week (June 22 – June 28 from 8:30-3:30pm) Teacher Institute on the use of manipulatives, cooperative learning problem solving, and other teaching strategies;
  • Teaching mathematics along with a credentialed mathematics teacher to middle or high school students in the morning for 4 weeks (June 29 to July 28);
  • Participating in after class evaluation preparation sessions for 4 weeks (June 29 to July 28);
  • Supporting and maintaining the program expectations of PCA students set by the East Bay Consortium / Cal-SOAP;
  • Considering taking the CBEST.

Current Mathematics majors or minors in upper division or graduate school or Science majors with a strong math background.  Candidate must approach this summer institute/academy with an open mind to the possibility of teaching math as a career.  Teaching credential is not required.  Knowledge of California Mathematics Framework is preferred.  Willingness to experience first-hand the use of selected manipulatives, engage in cooperative learning, participate in problem solving and estimation strategies, take part in other mathematical investigations, and work as a team.  Sensibility to cultural experience and a commitment to learning to work with youth are essential.  Positions are competitive and the best applicants will be accepted.

Application Here

For more information, please visit our website at:

Application Deadline: May 20, 2011 or until filled

Applications should be mailed and/or faxed to:
East Bay Consortium / Cal-SOAP
314 E. 10th St.
Oakland, CA 94606
Phone: (510) 879-4654
Fax: (510) 879-1776

Bay Area National Professional Development Scholarship

The Bay Area National Professional Development (NPD) Project is pleased to provide financial support and professional development services to credential students during their internship and during the first year of service in a local school district.  A $1,000 stipend will be given to qualified recipients. Scholarship recipients will be asked to do the following:

1.   Attend two professional development workshops focused on instruction for English Language Learners:
A.  Saturday May 14, 2011 – Presentation, Jose-Luis Orozco (Using music and movement to enhance learning for English Language Learners)
B.  Saturday October 15, 2011 – Presentation, Dr. Alma Flor Ada (Incorporating multicultural children’s literature into the curriculum)

2.   Participate in online communication and reflection following the professional development workshops, and complete periodic surveys.


One of the major goals of the NPD Project is to research and identify best practices and program models within teacher preparation programs in order to effectively prepare teachers to instruct English Language Learners. To meet this goal, the Bay Area NPD Project will be offering a $1,000 stipend to qualified graduating interns.  Multiple or Single Subject credential interns teaching in the San Francisco Bay Area qualify for this scholarship offer.

As part of our longitudinal research and continued support for graduates from teacher training programs, we will survey scholarship recipients to gather your valuable teaching experiences, professional development needs, and suggestions once a year during the first two years of your new teaching career. Your input and suggestions will greatly benefit our research efforts to improve teacher-training programs designed to serve English Language Learners in K-12 settings.


· Graduating in Spring 2011

·         Currently enrolled in Multiple or Single Subject credential program


·         Currently working as an intern teacher in a Bay Area public school

Completed applications can be brought to San Francisco State University in Burk Hall 228, faxed to (415) 338-7288 (please call this number before faxing), emailed to , or mailed to Dr. Christy Lao, NPD Project, College of Education, San Francisco State University,1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132.  The new application deadline is April 29, 2011.

Download Application and Stipend Form Here:



New Science Assessment Website @ AAAS

AAAS announces a new resource for science assessments. The items and other resources available on this site were developed by AAAS Project 2061 with funding from the National Science Foundation. The items are different from most multiple choice science test items in that they:

  • Assess students’ conceptual understanding, not just facts and definitions,
  • Test for common misconceptions and alternative ideas students have along with their correct ideas
  • Are precisely aligned to the science ideas they are intended to test

In addition, data gathered during national field tests provide an up-to-date description of science learning broken out by gender and whether or not English is the student’s primary language. The data also show how much growth has occurred between middle and high school, on what are primarily middle school ideas.

This website also includes:
- Data on how well U.S. students are doing in science and where they are having difficulties, broken out by gender, English language learner status, and whether the students are in middle school or high school.
- “My Item Bank,” a feature that allows you to select, save, and print items and answer keys.

Intended primarily for teachers, these assessment items and resources
will also be useful to education researchers, test developers, and
anyone who is interested in the performance of middle and high school
students in science.

To visit the website go to

GEAR UP: Academic Tutors Wanted

Join the GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate programs Community! Tutor high school students in: Math, Science, and English. Earn $16/hr and an education award* (through AmeriCorps)


  • Enrolled at SFSU
  • 1 year commitment; work through Winter Session
  • Attend weekly 3-hr training class Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m.
  • Available 10 hours a week (2-3 shifts recommended)
  • Background check and TB test required

Contact Information:
Phone: (415) 338-1497

Visit us on the web at:

Application available here: AmericaReadsApplication_2011-1

Math Mini-Conference At SF State

Calling ALL K-12 and Future Teachers for a Math Mini-Conference.  Presented by SFSU Graduate Students in Math Education. The Math Mini-Conference will include (Family Math Night, Tangram Activities, Middle School Math Games, Hands-on Trigonometry and MORE!)

When: May 7, 2011

Time: 9:30 to 12:30

Location: San Francisco State University (Burk Hall, Room 178)

To attend this event please email your name and grade level interest:

COSE Scholarships Due April 20th 2011


Most of these scholarships are for students in all departments (Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geosciences, Mathematics, and Physics & Astronomy) of the College of science & Engineering. If you have any questions regarding scholarships or special project funds for students (establish new ones, donate to existing ones, or apply for one), please contact Lannie Nguyen-Tang:

Application deadline: April 20, 3:00 p.m. For more information about the scholarships

please visit



Student Project Showcase

When: Friday, May 13, 2011 from 3-6PM

Where: Gym 100

Competition Requirements:

  • Students must have a declared major in the College of Science & Engineering (COSE)
  • Projects must be related to one of the fields in COSE
  • Projects enetered in a previous year may not be in the competition
  • Students must register by emailing Lannie the following information by Tuesday, May 3 (title of the project, all team members’ names, student ID #’s, and emails, faculty advisors name and email, department/concentration, graduate or undergraduate level, a BRIEF description of the project (an abstract)
  • Students must set up their station by 1pm on May 13 (They may leave the premise or walk around to look at other projects from 1-3pm)
  • Students must be available from 3-6pm on May 13 to present their projects

Prizes: Forty-eight Prizes for a total of $8,100 will be awarded

FOUR $500 first places

FOUR $400 second places

FOUR $300 third places

FOUR $200 fourth places

FOUR $100 fifth places

MANY $75 honorable mentions

We also welcome “display only” posters at the Showcase

Contact Lannie Nguyen-Tang for more details:

Attend the “How To Make A Great Poster Workshop”
When: Tuesday, April 26, 2-3 pm, Thorton Hall 425

Personalized Medicine Conference

Personalized medicine is poised to transform healthcare over the next several decades. It also offers the possibility of improved health outcomes and has the potential to make healthcare more cost-effective. This year, this SFSU conference focuses on two exciting areas pharmacogenomics (the right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient, at the right time) and the controversial topic of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. Proceeds benefit the SF State Department of Biology.

When: May 26th (8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.)

Where: South San Francisco Conference Center

Registration: Register early! Seating is limited
Advanced registration fee $495
Early Registration until 04/15/2011-$395
Register online:

More information:

SF State celebrates Earth Day, April 21

SFSU has officially started planning for Earth Day! The real Earth Day is on the Friday April 22nd, but they are having their events throughout the entire week. If you have any ideas, events, projects or whatever you might want to do for the day send us an email! Here is a brief description of what has been thought of so far… more details to come.

Bike-to-School Day
Thursday April 21st
Project Coordinator: Jon 

  • Critical mass ride
  • Food (donations? Solar-powered oven pizzas)
  • Bike Parking
  • Nike maintenance workshops
  • Derailleur performance

Interactive Art/ Decorations

Thursday April 21st
Project Coordinator: Michelle

  • Recycled art
  • Interactive map of the earth
  • Goodie bags for participants
  • CSSC convergence

Malcolm X Plaza

Wednesday April 20th
Project Coordinator: Suzanne Meredith 

  • Contact nonprofit organizations and invite to do promos on campus volunteer
  • If you are interested in volunteering for this event please visit, select one 2 hour time slot. You can sign up to greet incoming organizations and work as Eco Student Ambassadors for the event.

Sustainable Agriculture

Thursday April 20th
Project Coordinator: Ivy 

  • Free organic produce give away
  • Organic local juice sale
  • Fermentation workshop
  • Solar ovens
  • Raw food workshop
  • Eat-in promotion/ sustainable Ag education tabling
Environmental Issues/Expermential College Tabling
Project Coordinator: Andrew C
Film showing: “End Civ”
Wednesday April 19th
Project Coordinator: Christina

For More Information: