Archive for October, 2009

This weekend is the Fall meeting of the Northern California/ Nevada section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (NCNAAPT)!
All levels of teaching experience are welcome! The section meeting will be Saturday, October 10th, at NASA Ames from 8am til we’re done. Breakfast and lunch are included in your $20 fee – Fee is waived for first-time attendees and students!
Keynote Speaker: Sy Liebergot; EECOM Mission Flight Controller for Apollo
More information, directions, etc are available on our their website:
On Oct. 6 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., 25 car parking spaces on the top deck of the parking garage will be transformed into a park-like environment as part of the campus’ PARK(ing) Day, an event to raise awareness of the alternative transportation options available to the campus and the University’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. Faculty and staff are invited to visit the temporary ‘park’ where there will be hay bale seats, sculptures made from recycled materials, food vendors and information about alternative transportation.

Discovery Day is a free festival of educational fun that includes marine animal touch tanks, scientific exhibits, live music, art, and more. An annual event, our Discovery Day open house offers the public a unique opportunity to spend the day behind the scenes learning about the scientific research activities that take place at the Center.
In addition to science and art-related activities for children, the festival includes exhibits and talks by RTC faculty and students that highlight the Center’s contributions to understanding and caring for the San Francisco Bay environment and beyond. See the Discovery Day Event Schedule.
2009 Guest Exhibitors:
- DigitalOcean/David Helvarg (author of 50 Ways to Save the Ocean)
- Lick-Wilmerding High School’s Sea Lion Bowl Team
- Maria Carillo High School’s Sea Lion Bowl Team
- Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE)
- Oakland High School’s Sea Lion Bowl Team
- Richardson Bay Audubon Center
- SFSU Ceramics Department
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
- The Marine Mammal Center
- Tiburon Salmon Institute
- Tyee Club
- United Anglers of Casa Grande
Join our Sustainability effort!
- Carpool or ride your bike to Discovery Day and enter to win RTC merchandise.
- Bring your own reusable water bottle to fill up at our free water stations.
- Add your ideas to our Sustainability Display on site.
- Buy tickets for a chance drawing to win prizes from local donors to raise funds for Sustainability projects at RTC.
Food and beverages are available for purchase. The Pleasure is Mine and Stefano’s Pizza will be here to serve you lunch!
We hope to see you at Discovery Day 2009!
One-day climate change workshop, entitled “ Too Much and Not Enough at Chabot Space & Science Center on October 10, 2009. This one-day workshop will explore water issues for the Bay Area and California in a changing climate environment. You will also have the opportunity to speak with staff from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other local, regional, and national climate science experts about how climate change may affect water systems in California and specifically in the Bay Area. NOAA will also be preparing specific climate related data visualizations that we will present in our planetarium.
Specific topics to be addressed are potential climate change impacts on the redwood ecosystem sea level rise freshwater resources. The morning starts with light snacks at 9:00 am. At 9:30 we will present state-of-the-art graphic digital visualizations in the planetarium provided by NOAA. Guest presenters will also share their specialized knowledge about climate change and its connection to water systems. The afternoon will include three topical break-out groups as well as a special youth oriented session. In these sessions we will continue the morning discussion and include how citizens can get more deeply involved in the focus topics. The day will end with an all group discussion and wrap-up, including identified next steps. The workshop ends at 4:00 pm.
Special one-day workshop at Chabot
Too Much and Not Enough
A Community Conversation on Climate
October 10, 2009
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Please RSVP your plan to attend to Eric Havel by email or phone (contact info below).
Eric R. Havel
Environmental Education Manager
Chabot Space & Science Center
ph: (510) 336-7326
FEAST (Fun Exchanges and Activities for Science Teachers) would like to welcome all teachers to attend our next session:
We had a great ENERGY session a couple of weeks ago with about 30 teachers in attendance. Thanks to all who shared their energy ideas….it was indeed ENERGIZING!!
Next up for FEAST: Halloween Trick or Treat…. At this session, we believe most of you will be able to find something to share. It could be a demo, lesson and/or other idea that embraces the Halloween theme. This could include some of those pyrotechnic ideas you’ve been looking forward to sharing and of course, any Ghoulish ideas you have would only add to the atmosphere. We deliberately planned this session a couple of weeks ahead to allow time for you to gather the necessary resources to conduct some of the activities with your own students. So…..if you have a favorite lesson that you’ve used for the Halloween Trick or Treat theme, bring it with you to share with others. If you don’t have a lesson, that’s okay, just be prepared to be Tricked into learning something new and Treated to take-home lessons and activities that our other FEAST teachers will be sharing.
FEAST meets approximately every month throughout the school year and is open to all teachers, especially those who teach science. FEAST teachers are involved in planning our meeting dates and deciding our focus each meeting. Our Halloween Trick or Treat session will be on October 17th at 9:00 AM at Chabot Space & Science Center, upstairs in the Chem/Physics Classroom.
Here are the specifics:
Title of Session: Halloween Trick or Treats
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009
Time: 9am to noon
Place: Chabot Space & Science Center
Room: The Bi-Ghoulogy (Biology) Lab (next to the Destination Universe exhibit in the Spees Building)
Facilitators for this Session:
Tracy Ostrom – Teacher at Skyline High School, Oakland Unified
Tim Ostrom – Teacher at Bret Harte Middle School, Oakland Unified
Stan Fukunaga – Education Manager/Instructor at Chabot
Please RSVP so we can get an idea how many of you will be attending. You may respond to Stan Fukunaga at: We will need the following information: your name, school/city, grade level and/or subject taught, and e-mail address.
Original Link To Event: