Archive for December, 2009

Earn $8,200 through an IISME Summer Fellowship

The IISME Summer Fellowship Program places Bay Area K-16 teachers of all subjects into paid industry and university Fellowships for 8 weeks during the summer. Teachers complete a project for their sponsors and are paid $8,200 for their work. In addition, teachers get paid time and support to focus on ways to transfer their Summer Fellowship experience back to their students and colleagues. Over the past 25 years, IISME has offered 2,673 Summer Fellowships to San Francisco Bay Area teachers. Applications are currently being accepted at  To apply, please register, log in and go to the Summer Fellowships tab on the left side of the home page to find the application.

2009 Teacher Quotes & Feedback

“IISME for me is the best type of experience because it is hands on and I get to develop curriculum that I will use in my classroom.  It also motivates me to improve my teaching because I see the direct impact in industry.”

“The truth is that I hadn’t experienced real scientific inquiry myself, had never been allowed to develop my own questions, never failed to design an appropriate procedure, and return to the drawing board to get it right the next time.  I graduated with a BS in physics and never did anything but cookbook laboratory exercises. This summer, finally, I have had the opportunity to observe and participate in science as it is truly carried out.  Now I know.  I will return to the classroom with a concrete idea of the skills students will need in the laboratory setting, but also the skills they will need to be able to assimilate the knowledge constructed in a laboratory ten thousand miles across the planet into a product or a service that will have value for people that may be ten thousand miles in another direction.  Wish me luck as I once again return to the drawing board with the intent of saving the world.  Our future depends on it!”

Apply today and experience an incredible professional development opportunity that will change the way you teach!  The Fellowship matching process begins in early March!

Please take a moment to view our informative brochure.  If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Kristen Harrison by phone at 408.553.2266 or by email:

STAR 2010 Applications Now Available-Paid Summer Internships

The California State University, in partnership with the US Department of Energy national research laboratories, NSF, NASA, federal agencies, and private research organizations, is announcing the 2010 Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) pre-service and early career science teacher summer research program.

This unique opportunity is specifically for students who are committed to science or mathematics teaching and meet one of the following affiliation

  • CSU student (Undergraduate, Credential or Masters level)
  • Noyce Scholars anywhere in California
  • STAR Alumni

The central goal of the STAR program is to provide aspiring and early career science and mathematics teachers with the opportunity to engage in
paid summer internships involving laboratory research.  The research experience is integrated with weekly science teaching and education
workshops to develop teaching skills, enhance career achievement, build community among STAR fellows and mentors, and explore the
teacher-researcher model.

STAR interns will spend 8-9 weeks (depending upon the research site) participating with a research team at a federal laboratory or research
center in California.  STAR interns will be paid a $4,000-$4,500 stipend for the 8-9 week program commitment. Housing costs, if needed, and some
travel may also be supported.

Over the past three summers, STAR has successfully arranged roughly 80 placements for CSU students at 8 laboratory sites.  This summer, the program has expanded to include the following sites:

* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
* Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
* NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
* NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
* NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
* Romberg Tiburon Center
* Sandia National Laboratories
* SETI Institute
* SLAC National Linear Accelerator Center

Here are a few important dates to keep in mind if you are considering applying for STAR:

  • STAR Application DueDate (for all lab sites): Sunday, January 31, 2010
  • SupplementaryApplication to LBNL (Berkeley): Sunday, January 31, 2010

Summer Program Dates: Monday, June 14 – Saturday, August 7, 2010 (LBNL participants will extend one additional week to August 13th)

For details and application materials, please visit the STAR Program website:

Employment Opportunity!

SF Promise Mentor Program

The SF Promise Mentor Program is looking for mentors to work in the spring with some of their schools.  Applicant must have strong personalities and be able to work independently.

Minimum qualifications:
Must be a San Francisco State University student and be in good academic standing.  Students who graduated from SFUSD get priority.

Interested applicants: please submit a resume and cover letter articulating your experience working with youth and any other experiences that make you a particularly good match for the program.

Please click the flyer for further details about the program and application instructions.

Click here for more information on SF Promise.

Make Science Room: DIY science classroom, virtual laboratory


We think you’ll find the Make: Science Room a fun and useful resource. Use it as your DIY science classroom, virtual laboratory, and a place to share your projects, hacks, and laboratory tips with other amateur scientists. The Make: Science Room host is Robert Bruce Thompson, author of Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture.(Make: Books, 2008) and Illustrated Guide to Forensics Investigations: Uncover Evidence in Your Home, Lab, or Basement (not yet published). Make will be drawing material from these titles first, but will soon branch out into biology, astrononmy, Earth sciences, and other disciplines. They’ll be adding lots of material on a regular basis, so check back often. For more info on the site, see Introducing the Make: Science Room.