Celsius and Beyond, a boutique science enrichment program in San Francisco, is looking for a math teacher to teach a hands-on interactive Probability / Statistics camp for kids ages 9 to 13 at our
2011 summer camp for 2 weeks. Our math students love math and are very intelligent. This course
will help them see the beauty of math and how probability is part of their everyday lives.
We are looking for a creative teacher who thinks outside the text book and believes that success in life has more to do with understanding statistics than with knowing calculus.
Your Role:
You will be teaching two sessions, each 1 week long, sometime during the months of June-August. You can choose which weeks. Hours: 9-4pm, M-F, 12 smart students, $875 per week.
Contact Information:
If you think there is a high probability that you would be a good fit, please send your resume to: Auritte@CelsiusandBeyond.com
The Students in Service Awards program (SISA) is a national search for inspirational college students who are positively impacting social and environmental challenges facing our communities.
The Students in Service Awards share amazing stories of college student service leaders with a national audience, inspiring our communities to deepen their support of student civic engagement. The SISA icnlude scholarships and grants to three benefactors.
- College Students: The winner will be awarded a $5,000 academic service scholarship. The runner-up and the “fan favorite” will each receive $2,500 scholarships.
- College Service-Learning Centers: $2,500 grants will go to each college or university service-learning center of each of the three scholarship recipients for the purpose of supporting their civic engagement programs for students.
- Nonprofit Partners: $2,500 grants will go to each nonprofit organization/community agency that sponsored the winning service projects of each other three scholarship recipients for the purpose of supporting their vital community work.
Washington Campus Compact and Inspireum have partnered to provide the Students in Service Awards to celebrate the inspirational service work of these outstanding students. Together, we seek to engage the broader community in supporting students, colleges, and universities, and community organizations that cultivate student civic leadership through service.
For more Information please visit www.serviceawards.org
Calling all ocean enthusiasts! Motivated northern California high school students need your help to achieve ocean literacy. The Sea Lion Bowl, a regional competition for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, will be hosting about 100 high school students and their coaches in an all day competition at San Francisco State University on Saturday, February 26, 2011. Teams of four students and one alternate will be coming from schools in many location around Northern California to compete. In order to have the competition run smoothly, 60-70 trained volunteers are needed.
Volunteer Positions:
There are a number of volunteer positions: Moderator (reads questions and keeps the competition running smoothly), Science Judge( addresses any challenges to the content of the questions and answers), Rules Judge (overseer of competition rules), Score Keeper, Time Keeper, Runner, Question Graders, Set-up and Clean-up and help during the training sessions. For information on the different roles for officials, go to http://rtc.sfsu.edu/sealionbowl/?page_id=159
Training will be provided on the following dates:
Wednesday, January 26 at RTC from 6-8PM
Saturday, January 29 at the Bay Model in Sausalito from 10am-3pm (team practice included)
Directions: http://www.spn.usace.army.mil/bmvc/bmjourney/visit_model/guidelines/directions.html
Wednesday, February 9 at RTC from 6-8pm
Saturday, February 12 at SFSU from 10am-3pm (team practice included)
Directions: http://www.sfsu.edu/~parking/directions/
Potential volunteers should attend at least one session, ideally including a team practice, to get the best feel for the actual competition.
For more information, go to http://rtc.sfsu.edu/sealionbowl/
If Interested Please Contact:
Erin Blackwood, Regional Coordinator
P: (415) 338-3757
F: (415) 338-7120
Attention California Teachers (Grades 7 and higher)- Self Paced online Training!
January 10th-February 13th, 2011
The goal of Signals of Spring — ACES [Animals in Curriculum-based Ecosystem Studies] is to improve environmental and ocean literacy and to capture the interest of your middle and high school students, grade 7 and higher. Students will learn science within the context of the ocean, with high-quality curriculum-based activities, as they use satellite data to develop authentic inquiry skills.
ACES is an important, necessary expansion of Signals of Spring, an award-winning, classroom-based curriculum program in its 10th year, where in addition to learning formal science concepts, students use Earth imagery to explain the movement of animals that are tracked by satellites. The ACES curriculum also introduces the environmental issues the animals face, and the environments of NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS).
Additional ACES one-week modules each focus on a particular marine animal, with specific curricular activities relating to the animal and issues facing them. Students study aspects of the animal’s life history, conservation status, food web, and connections to ocean processes and remote sensing data. Modules include investigations of sea turtles, polar bears, albatrosses, and seals.
What Will Students Learn:
Selected topic areas in the curriculum include:
What do I get?
- Standards-based, comprehensive Signals of Spring ocean science and ACES investigations curriculum with assessments, rubrics, and concept maps
- A way to incorporate technology as a tool to teach science
This online training course is done at your own pace. You must complete approximately 8 hours of work during the open period (January 10th-February 13th) Activities will include watching videos, answering questions, and tracking ocean animals online!
Participants will receive ACES curriculum guide and accompanying posters and receive support throughout the school year to implement.
This training is only available to teachers in California at this time Please contact Meghan Marrero with any questions.
Buckley Educational Group seeks individuals who are excited about teaching math to join its academic support team.
Successful Candidates will:
- Have a working knowledge of educational strategies pertaining to a variety of student skill levels.
- Be familiar with the California State Standards and curriculum for grades 7-12.
- Have previous experience working with adolescents
- Feel comfortable working with parents of students
- Be adaptable
If this sounds like you, please contact us:
We would love to have you come in for an interview!
Meet A High School Teacher Panel
Meet four high school math and science teachers at different stages in their teaching careers!
Hear about life in the classroom at SF public schools!
Speakers include:
Eric Lewis - High School Science Content Specialist, LEAD (Leadership, Equity, Access and Design) High School Zone, SFUSD. Formally Biology, Earth Science, Advisory, Physiology and Health Careers teacher at Mission High School. Eric has been teaching for 12 years.
Rebecca M. Fulop - Science Teacher and Department Chair at Mission High School. Rebecca is in her 8th year teaching, and got her master’s degree from SFSU in Biology Education Research.
Marcus Hung – mathematics teacher at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School. Marcus is currently in his 5th year of teaching Algebra, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra and in his third of year of implementing The Algebra Project. SFSU Credential Alum (2006).
Emily McCullough – Mathematics teacher at Mission High School. Emily is in her 1st year of teaching. SFSU Credential Alum (2010).
Friday December 10th from 4-6PM SCI 256
Open to all Students, Teachers & Faculty| Dinner will be provided | RSVP in SCI 211 or ONLINE at
Overview: Applications are now available for students interested in applying to the 2011 Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) Program. This program is run by Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on behalf of the California State University system in partnership with the US Department of Energy,
NSF, and NASA. This program places pre-service and early career science and math teachers in paid summer research internships at national laboratory facilities in California.
This unique opportunity is specifically for students who are committed
to teaching science or mathematics and meet one or more of the
following affiliation requirements:
• CSU student (Undergraduate, Credential or Masters level)
• STAR Alumnus
• Noyce Scholar at any California institution
The central goal of the STAR program is to provide aspiring and early
career science and mathematics teachers with the opportunity to engage
in paid summer internships involving laboratory research. The research
experience is integrated with weekly science teaching and education
workshops to build and enhance teaching skills, career achievement and
community building among STAR fellows, researchers, and faculty. STAR
Fellows share their research with their colleagues at a closing
conference involving all STAR participants.
What will I do?
STAR interns will spend 9 weeks participating on research teams at a
federal laboratory or research center in California. STAR interns will
be paid a $4,500 stipend for the 9-week program commitment. Housing
costs, if needed, and some travel may also be supported.
Over the past four summers, STAR has successfully arranged 141
placements for CSU students at 12 laboratory sites. This summer, the
program will include the following sites:
* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
* Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
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Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
* NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)
* NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC)/Edwards Air Force Base
* NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
* Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies (RTC)
* SETI Institute
* SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
* UC Davis Center for Biophotonics
Important Dates:
· Applications Available Now
· STAR Information Sessions/Open Houses: January 10th (ARC), 14th
(LLNL), 21st (JPL)—See Attached Flyer
· STAR Application Due Date (for all lab sites): Monday, January 31, 2011
· Summer Program Dates: Monday, June 13 – Friday, August 12, 2011
For details and application materials, please visit the STAR Program website:
We look forward to receiving your application!
Two faculty members, Judy Kysh and Diane Resek (retired), are designing a new course for students who do not pass ELM. Their goal is to make the class more engaging for students than the current offerings.
A student assistant is needed to format the materials, convert some lists of problems into worksheets for students, and add graphs and diagrams on some of the worksheets and homeworks. The work is on the Mac and in Word.
We prefer people with their own access to Word and familiarity with some kind of graphing software. If necessary, we can provide software and computer access.
Pay Rate: We’ll pay $15/hour and you have the luxury of working at home. Interested people should contact Eric Hsu quickly, at the latest by Wed Nov 17.
Contact Information:
Eric Hsu
Science Building 211

Life Science:
Cell Structures • Photosynthesis • Needs of Living Things • Food Webs • Biodiversity & Classification • Human Impacts on Environments • Conservation and Stewardship
Earth Science:
Water on Earth • Seasons • Landforms/Bathymetry • Density • Ocean Currents • Tides • Isolines • Air-Sea Interaction/Climate • Watersheds • Coriolis Effect • Climate Change
Science Process Skills:
Forming Research Questions & Hypotheses • Collecting & Organizing Data • Analyzing & Interpreting Data & Imagery • How to Research • Using Tools & Models • Measurement