Archive for May, 2010

The Bay Area Science Project Institute Presents: “Taking Science Outside”

Applications are now being accepted for Bay Area Science Project (BASP) Institute Summer 2010. The Institute will be held June 21-25 from 9:00 am – 3:30 pm at the Oakland Zoo.

The focus will be Life Sciences as it can be taught outdoors. Now more than ever, in this era of textbook learning and texting, it is critical to get students, and ourselves, outside the confines of the four classroom walls. We will be partnering with the Oakland Zoo,, and other environmental organizations, to create a rich and exciting program for you and your school. We will have creek walks and activities at the Zoo, visit a school garden, and learn how to map our immediate surroundings in order to get ourselves and our classes to learn from those surroundings. We will learn life science content, how to use the science notebooks outdoors, and much more.

Participants will:
-Receive half of registration fee paid by school/district as stipend upon completing the 5-day institute
-Receive free curricular materials and a lunch each day
-Receive a $200 stipend for attending 4 outdoor follow-ups during the academic year*
-Be eligible for Upper Division/Post BA units (at participant’s own expense)

Sliding scale from $400-$1,200 registration fee per teacher to be paid by school or district

Please email application requests to Claudio Vargas B. or Joanna Totino at or by phone at (510) 643–3478.
- Priority will be given to applicants applying in teams from the same school
- Fax completed applications to (510) 642-1055 attention: “BASP Outdoor Summer Institute”

Open until filled (Dependent on funding)

Math, Science & CTE Conference for K-14 Current & Future Teachers

City College of San Francisco will be holding workshops to support the content areas and curriculum of science, math and career/technical education teachers and future teachers (especially Kth – 14th grade). These workshops are sponsored by the Schools of Math & Science, Applied Science and Technology, Behavioral and Social Sciences, the Teacher Prep Center, and the Child Development & Family Studies Department

Dates: June 8 & 9, 2010
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Location: Main Campus, City College of San Francisco
50 Phelan Ave., San Francisco, CA 94112
Diego Rivera Theater & Science Bldg

Please click here to for further information about the workshops.  Workshop solicitation forms can be downloaded here.

MSTI Meeting With Professor Jeffery Duncan-Andrade- Follow-Up

Last week’s MSTI meeting with presenter Jeffery Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D, was a success!  Below is a list of references on teaching that were recommended by Dr. Duncan-Andrade. These books will become available in the MSTI Lounge staring May 22.

Recommended Readings:
Jeff Duncan-Andrade: The Art of Critical Pedagogy
Jeff Duncan-Andrade: What a Coach Can Teach a Teacher
Lisa Delpit: Other People’s Children
Carter G. Woodson: The Miseducation of the Negro
Angela Valenzuela: Subtractive Schooling

Please click here to view notes from Dr. Duncan-Andrade’s presentation. For those who would like to follow-up with Dr. Duncan-Andrade, he can be contacted by email at

“Discoveries In Planetary Science” Classroom Powerpoints Available

The DPS Education Subcommittee announces the 3rd release of “Discoveries in Planetary Science” Classroom Powerpoints, covering five new topics:
- Venus’ Active Volcanism
- Martian Glaciers
- Titan Lakes
- Explaining Iapetus
- Waterworld at 40 Lightyears?

These are succinct summaries of discoveries too recent to appear in “Intro Astronomy” college textbooks; each set consists of just three slides to be shown: the discovery itself, a basic explanation based on good planetary science, and the “big picture” context. Another page for further information is provided as well. Please click here to download Powerpoints and pdf’s.

Feedback from the community on how these slide sets are used and received is welcomed, and will be used to improve future releases. Planetary scientists with recent or upcoming results of broad interest are encouraged to submit them for consideration by providing an initial draft using the template provided on the website.

For more information, contact Nick Schneider & Dave Brain at

Bay Area National Professional Development Scholarship

The National Professional Development (NPD) provides scholarships and teacher training for bilingual instructional personnel serving English language learners.

About the National Professional Development
The National Professional Development program is funded by the U.S Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement & Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA) under Title III of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act of 2001.

The mission of the NPD program is to provide professional development designed to improve the ability of teacher educators and higher education faculties in teaching English Language Learners (ELL). It is the goal of NPD to prepare teacher candidates for instruction that accelerates ELL’s acquisition of English, literacy, and academic content knowledge. The program is also designed to upgrade teacher education curricula that are aligned with State content and State English language standards.

The founder and director of the NPD program is Dr. Christy Lao. Dr. Lao is also the Associate Professor of College of Education at San Francisco State University.

Scholarship Deadline
Friday, May 14, 2010 by 5:00 pm.

Scholarship Applications
Completed application packets can be submitted to Burk Hall 228, emailed to or mailed to the address below:

NPD Program – San Francisco State University 
600 Holloway Ave., BH 228,
San Francisco, CA 94132

Please click here to download the application packet.

Last FEAST Session at Chabot

Fun Exchanges and Activities for Science Teachers (FEAST) will be holding its last session, titled: Climate Science Activities on May 22nd.

At this session, in the spirit of educating our students about this topic, everyone is encouraged to find something to share. It could be a demo, lesson and/or other idea that embraces this topic.  This is an interdisciplinary topic so we would like to see all science disciplines represented. Examples may include building molecular models of green house gases, setting up weather stations, renewable energy solutions or any other connections to climate science. This important topic will be the focus of Chabot’s first Climate Science Institute for secondary science teachers this summer. We’ll share an activity or two as a preview of what we’re planning.  And to motivate you to share, if you present an activity, you’ll qualify for a drawing to win a special prize. When you RSVP, mention if you are planning to present.

Facilitators for this Session
Tracy Ostrom – Teacher at Skyline High School, Oakland Unified
Tim Ostrom – Teacher at Bret Harte Middle School, Oakland Unified
Stan Fukunaga – Education Manager/Instructor at Chabot

Event Details
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010
Time: 9am to noon

Place: Chabot Space & Science Center
Room:  Biology Lab (next to the Destination Universe exhibit in the Spees Building) and/or Chem/Physics Lab (Upstairs in Spees Building)

Please RSVP to Stan Fukunaga at: .  Click here, for more information about this event.

Interactive Simulations for Teaching Biology at California Academy of Sciences

Join the California Academy of Sciences for a special presentation of teaching tools for college and high school biology courses. This free, user-friendly software can be used to explore key concepts in genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and evolution. Brian White, Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, will be leading a hands-on demonstration of this valuable teaching tool for college and high school teachers.

This workshop will only be offered once in the Bay Area!

Date: May 27, 2010
Time: 4-6PM

This event is free, but advance registration is required. Please contact to register. Space is limited!

Please click here for further details about this event.

Apply online for a field trip at The California Academy of Science

The California Academy of Science is excited to announce a new online field trip application system for the 2010-2011 academic year!

How is the process different from last year?
Teachers no longer need to book a trip over the phone. Instead, visit our Teachers’ Website beginning June 21, 2010, to submit an online application. Propose visit dates and rank your preferred programs, and we’ll do the work to coordinate a field trip that best suits your needs. While the application does not serve as a reservation itself, you’ll hear back from us within 6 weeks of submitting your request.

Increased offerings for the next academic year include:
* school visits available on select Fridays
* a selection of Docent Previews exclusively for grades K-2
* twice as many slots for Student Lab Programs
* Planetarium shows for upper elementary, middle, and high school

As part of our mission rooted in sustainability, the annual education brochure will no longer be printed.

To stay informed of the professional development opportunities for the 2010-2011 school year, check our Workshops calendar regularly. You can register online for teacher workshops and BioForum beginning July 1, 2010. No application necessary.

California Science Education Conference

**Registration for this Conference will be paid for all MSTI Fellows!**

The California Science Education Conference is the premier annual professional development event specifically designed for science educators and professionals. The 2010 conference will feature 14 hours of workshops over three days, two general sessions, six focus speakers, four Field Courses, 16 Short Courses, five hours of exclusive exhibit hall time, and more!

Early Bird Registration is now open and available on-line for the 19th annual California Science Education Conference, October 22-24, 2010, in Sacramento.

Included in your conference registration fee ($98 for members) is admittance to over 200 hour-long, standards-based workshops; the Focus Speaker series featuring highly regarded scientists and education experts; two General Sessions featuring Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, and Jamal Abedi; the Exhibit Hall with over 125 exhibiting companies with products and services designed to make your job easier; and fun and exciting networking events. In addition, there are many ticketed events from which to choose to customize your conference experience. Be sure to register early before they sell out!

For more information about these and other events at the conference, visit

Visit for complete program details and register today!

To request a registration brochure, e-mail .

Resources for Math & Science Teachers

The California Free Digital Textbooks Initiative is a new resource to teachers and students that will assist in helping students meet the academic content standards of California.

“…This initiative will ensure our schools know which digital textbooks stand up to California’s academic content standards – so these cost-effective resources can be used in our schools to help ensure each and every student has access to a world-class education.” – Governor Schwarzenegger

Textbooks for both mathematics and science subjects are available online for download at  Additional resources can be found at